Mag-Mutes and Resno-tone Mutes
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Our main goal is to provide GREAT sounding mutes for serious brasswind players, pro, student, or in between. We have a fairly large number of models for our initial launch, and our mutes will be available for most brass instruments. We are prototyping continuously.
We call also consider custom requests for special horn dimension, etc.
We are working on other brasswind mutes, for now we have
Cornet and Trumpet Mutes
The Mag-Mutes, with magnetic base
Resno-Tone Mutes without magnetic base
Rock-A-Bye Practice mutes with and without magnetic base
The Mag-Mute Line features great mutes, but with the added convenience of a magnetic bottom, for attaching to the upright pole of most music stands.
The most important ingredient is the quality of the product ,and the colorful and characteristic mute sound. Intonation has to be great, and the mutes all have intensive tonal colors! Great for orchestra, brass band, symphonic band, jazz band, or solo work.
The Resno-Tone Mutes are the same as the Mag-Mutes, featuring the great feedback and rich mute colors, but without the magnetic feature. The resonant but characteristic mute sound will be very much appreciated by all serious brass players.
The Rock-A-Bye practice mutes are exceptional in response, feedback, and special ease in practicing high range, which is the problem with most practice mutes. No "ceiling" to push through like other practice mutes!
The Rock-A-Bye is available in the Mag-Mute line and the Resno-Tone Line.
Check out our mutes, and feedback we are getting from our prototype work!
We will offer a money back guarantee if you are not happy, just return the mute within 10 days for a refund, less shipping, if you don't agree it is one of the finest mutes you've played.
"THANK YOU for building a legit silent mute for my piccolo trumpet! I also have a Bremner silent pic mute, but it's so far out of tune that it's almost unplayable. I tried yours and was instantly impressed that it didn't put my A pic automatically in Bb. Also, playing into the upper register is really terrific when compared to the Bremner pic silent mute"
Mark Nelson, Principal Trumpet, South Dakota Symphony Orchestra

Pollard Mutes is another innovative product line from me, Jerry Pollard, the inventor of the famous Pollard Water Key, . Other products developed by me are listed at
I am a lifelong brass player, and have a unique perspective, and that is that when I see a problem, or see a way to make something better, I generally go in the "figure it out" mode. I have several patents, and all my patents were awarded for problem-solving products.
I am a brasswind, brass band, trumpet, cornet, symphony, wind ensemble, big band...........well, a big enthusiast for all things in the brasswinds world!
Fifteen years ago I was playing in an ensemble which required a very quick mute change, so I would tuck the mute between my legs and hold it there. It was a little uncomfortable, and a lot embarrassing. I had a nice mute holder for my music stand, but it didn't allow me to "quick-draw" efficiently.
I had the idea of attaching a small magnet to the bottom of my mute and, EUREKA! , it worked well. I have used that same mute in every ensemble I've played in since, and occasionally someone will notice it, and comment on it.
It's a novelty feature for sure, and not everyone's cup of tea, but for me, I've enjoyed the handiness of it, and thought others might.
The hard part was designing the mutes. Tons of prototyping, testing, redrawing, rebuiding.
I am introducing a line that I am very proud of. I'm not through designing, improving, and creating new products.
I hope you enjoy my products, please let me know!
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